Lex Jensen shares her start as a Promoter and her love of Hip Hop


“I started promoting with Live Nation in 2009, Strange Music and their Psychology Tour was the first concert I remember promoting, I remember just wanting to get in for free. Back in the day it was cool to be a promoter; you were part of that IN crowd had all the inside scoop of what was happening in the party scene (before the internet and shit).”

“A year or so later I moved to Wyoming, and I started throwing my own events. There were 4 rappers in town and, 1 of whom is now my husband, and since no one wanted to book out hip hop shows in Casper I figured that doing it myself was the only way to make this shit happen. They (the city of Casper) were so reluctant to have these shows. I guess media just portrays rap/hip-hop as this womanizing/vulgar/alcohol abusive kind of thing so them thinking that it would happen to their lil town in Wyoming probably played a role in that “hostility”.”

“I’ve always viewed [hip hop] as a form of poetry, lyricism is a form of art that many genres can’t really integrate into their music. I mean I will always have a huge appreciation for Beethoven and Mozart but hip hop just has a lot more tangible substance that people can relate to vs. the abstract interpretation that comes with other music like classical and jazz. I started listening to hip hop because of my mom. She loved Eminem and SPM. My father listened to The Grateful Dead and Neil Young, and even though my parents got divorced when I was 3, to this day I can see the influence they had on my musical taste, and I thank them as they gave my something I will have for the rest of my life: the ability to appreciate the beauty in all type of music.”

Lex Jensen — Bookings for The Roxy Theatre & Manager at RhymeSick estimated. 2009