Collecting Donations and 501c3 Status
Collecting Donations
If you are throwing a fundraiser or collecting donations, adding an additional donation field is a great idea to give your community another chance to donate. To turn donations on, click the switch so that it turns green.

You can suggest a minimum donation amount to your donor by entering an amount under “Default donation amount”. It will suggest this amount to them, but allow them to change the amount if they choose.
You can also leave “Donation Goal” at $0 and “Default donation amount” at $0. This will simply allow donors to donate what they want.
In all scenarios, as donations are made, the total donated will display on the frontend for future potential donors to see.
Adding 501(c) Tax Information
For non-profits that need to add tax information to the ticket receipt. You can do this in settings. Find settings by clicking on the gear icon on the left menu.

The credit card transaction fee and Sparxo fee are deducted from the total donation amount.
NOTE: Our system cannot process a donation lower than $2.00. This is because the Sparxo fee and credit card fee are absorbed into the donation total. The minimum Sparxo fee is $1.00 and the credit card fee is 2.9% + $0.30 making donations under $2.00 after fees less than $0.00.