Event Analytics and Event Data

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Event Analytics and Event Data

Learn more about your attendees with Sparxo Free Analytics. Learning more about your community will help you better market your events.


Sparxo understands the importance of quick overviews of data while still having the ease and ability to view the details of your data. Under STATS you will see a quick high-level overview of your event statistics. STATS is located when scrolling over the event you want to view.

On the top left, you will see a bar graph and line graph showing you your ticket sales over time. You can scroll over any given point to view the specific data totals. You can utilize the calendar above to narrow down the data you are viewing by time. On the top right, you will see a quick meter graph for the number of tickets sold and total generated from ticket sales.

TIP: The total payout number displayed on the top right is only for ticket sales. It does not include any funds raised by using our Donations feature.

If you scroll down on STATS, you will then see your Top 5 Page Views, Top 5 Conversions, and Refund Overview. Top 5 Page Views will list out the top 5 pages customers have clicked to view your event. If you scroll over the graph itself, it will give you the specific number of clicks for the specific web link. The circle graph is viewed in two sections. The left half of the circle displays the Top 5 Page Views. The right half of the circle displays the Top 5 Conversions. Similar to Top 5 Page Views, your Top 5 Conversions will show the top 5 specific web links for where your customers converted (registered). The Refund Overview meter is similar to the ticket overview meter. It will display how many tickets were refunded and how much in total was refunded.

Lastly, if you scroll to the bottom of STATS, you will see Ticket Breakdown, Donation Breakdown, Revenue Breakdown, and Attedance Breakdown. Ticket Breakdown will show the itemization of how many of each ticket level has sold. Donation Breakdown will show the itemized list of Donations you have set up for the event along with the Net donated and Total donated. Revenue Breakdown will show you a breakdown of where your funds are coming from – which ticket level sales and donations. Attendance Breakdown will show you the number of first time attendees over recurring attendees based on the number of events each customer has registered for in total on your Sparxo account.

Promotion Tracking

Sparxo helps you track marketing efforts as you build your community further. Create referral links to track each marketing channel (email campaigns, Instagram posts, Facebook ads, partners, etc.).
Get information about basic page view metrics as well:
  • Mobile vs Computer engagement
  • Page view vs conversions
  • Website vs Facebook engagement

Create Tracking Links

You can create tracking links to any page that has Sparxo embedded. You can also create a tracking link to a Sparxo hosted splash page. To do this first go to manage your event:

Once you are in manage, click Track Referral Links. Follow the instructions to create tracking links.

Attendance Count

Sparxo automatically records how many times a guest attended an event. This is a good way to see who are your most loyal event attendees or who is new to your community. Get closer to your community with personalized messages to thank loyal fans and welcome newcomers.

Ticket Data

Ticket data displays all of your customer data for the event. You can easily export it onto .CSV which opens in Excel. You can use the “table view” to select which data you want to export.

TIP: If you used Sparxo Check-in, you will notice a column titled “Update Time”. This column displays the time and date the customer checked-in to the event.

Payments Data

Payments data displays all of your customer data around payments for the event. You can easily export it onto .CSV which opens in Excel.

You can locate your customer’s receipts here. Simply click the blue hyperlink under the column “Date Purchaesd”. It will open up to display the receipt. You can screenshot it and email to your customer. Your customer automatically received a receipt after purchase to their email address.

TIP: If you are looking for Payout information on when you will receive further transfers to your bank, please see this page here: https://www.sparxo.com/knowledge-base/understanding-your-payouts/

Questions Data

Questions data displays all answers to any additional custom questions you asked your customers. You can easily export it onto .CSV which open in Excel.

Referral Data

Referral data displays all data around where your customers came from. Please see above under “Promotion Tracking”.

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