Import Guests and Send Complimentary Tickets

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We allow you to import guests so that you have all your event information in one place and that you can seamlessly check-in guests under one event list. To do this you must have first already created an event to import guests into. Your event must also be ON. You cannot use this feature if your event status is set to OFF. To use this feature, your account must be validated by Sparxo staff. If you register your account using a valid company email address, our team will automatically validate your account. If your email address is not recognizable or validated, you will need to submit more information to our team through email or chat using the chat widget on our website to submit information about your company, organization, and type of events.

Note: This also means you need to set up a ticket level to import your guests to. What type of ticket are you assigning to the guests you are uploading?

TIP:  If you are setting up a free event and bypassing registration to import a list you already have, you may want to read this article for tips to watch for:

Once your event is set up, this can be done in the Add Guest section of Manage by following these steps: (Add Guest is found by scrolling over the event > selecting Manage > selecting Add Guest)

  1. Select a Ticket Type
    You can only add guests one ticket type at a time.
  2. Select Complimentary, Cash, Or check
    Sparxo doesn’t do anything with this information, this is for your own tracking.
  3. Add a Note
    Adding notes is optional, this is for your own tracking.
  4. Copy and paste a list of guests from an Excel or Numbers file into the column that matches our dashboard, OR manually type the information in.
    It’s a good idea to copy the columns into a spreadsheet, either using Excel or Google Sheets. Then, you can copy and paste that list into the spreadsheet. To complete the import, you must include the guest’s First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, and Number of Tickets.
    TIP: If you don’t have an email for the attendee, make up an email.
    TIP: The available ticket quantity will be increased automatically for the ticket level you are importing or adding guests to. If the ticket level is set to a QTY of 100 guests and you’ve already sold 100 tickets, and you import another 5 guests, the QTY will now be 105 for the ticket level.
    TIP: If you have several Additional Questions associated with a ticket type, but do not have or do not want to add them with the guest information, you do not have to. You must at the very least input the First Name, Last Name, and an email address.
  5. If you want to send tickets to the imported guests, turn on send a ticket confirmation to the guest. This option is off by default. This feature is located on the bottom left corner as a toggle that is OFF by default. Click it to turn it ON to send a ticket confirmation.
  6. Click Add Guests once to add guests.
    NOTE: Import will take a while and there is no feedback. Please wait a few minutes for the import to show up. You can not import more than 500 names at a time.

Once you add guests, our system will include them in the data analytics for how many times they have registered for an event.

TIP: All imported guests will also automatically receive the automatic email notification all regular attendees receive about the event one day in advance. To turn off this automatic email, please refer to our page on Manage Scheduled Emails:

TIP: Read about Sparxo Check-in here:

Complimentary Tickets

If you want to send complimentary tickets, turn ON the Send a ticket confirmation to guests option on the bottom left corner. Once you add the guests, a ticket will be sent to the provided email. If this option is left off, no email is sent, they will not be notified or have a Sparxo ticket.
TIP: You can only send a maximum of 50 complimentary tickets per a person.
TIP: It is in your best interest not to send multiple tickets to the same person. It is best to have a different name and email address per ticket. This is better for security and check-in, as well as for your customer database.


Once added to the system, guests can be checked in by name or email address without a Sparxo ticket.

TIP: If you are importing tickets from another system for seamless check-in. It’s a good idea not to send an additional ticket, as that might be confusing to the customer.

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