Setting Up a Free Event for Check-in Only

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Our founders believe that event producers of free events should have access to all the same functionality as paid events. Sparxo is free for free events and free for paid events. For paid events, you can read about our transparent pricing model here.

Setting up a free event is the same as a paid event. You can review the tutorials from our Knowledge Base here:

  1. Edit Event Details
  2. Create a Ticket Level
  3. Design a Splash Page
  4. Start Selling Tickets, Embed and Integrate Sparxo

If you are bypassing registration and simply interested in importing an existing guest list, you will want to keep the following in mind:

  1. There are limitations to our system when only using us to import a guest list for check-in.
  2. Our system is designed to be used as a registration and ticketing platform, and not as a backend check-in system first. Check-in is designed to be a companion to our registration platform.
  3. Our system is set up to automatically send Email Reminders to your attendees. You may want to turn this OFF.
    • You can turn this OFF by going to Manage > Schedule Emails > clicking the toggles so the corresponding email is turned OFF
    • You will also want to turn the event reminders OFF in another location under Customize the Email Confirmation Page by going to Edit > scroll down and locate the section “customize the email confirmation page” > turn it ON if it is OFF > at the bottom of this section is a checkbox for “send event reminder emails > uncheck this box > Save
  4. The Notes section will NOT appear in our Check-in Application. The Notes, if added, will only appear on the backend dashboard.

You can read about Check-in here:

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