Square Space Update for Integrations (July 2018)

We love recommending Square Space as an easy-to-use and beautiful website template to use to set up your website. Square Space offers an easy way to integrate code such as Sparxo’s integration codes to allow event-goers to register …

Creating an Account

Creating a Sparxo account is easy. To get started, visit http://nest.sparxo.com The sign-up page collects a few pieces of information: First Name The first name of the Sparxo account admin. Last Name The last name of the Sparxo account …

Printing a Guestlist

Want to print off who is coming to your event? Or have a list of VIPs handy to check off? Click Events from the left navigation. Find the event that you want to print a guestlist for and click Manage. …

Publish Your Event on Facebook

You can publish your event to Facebook and sell tickets directly on your Facebook page with the deeply integrated Facebook App. Deep integration means your customers never leave Facebook throughout the ticket buying experience. Your Facebook page is the center …

Step 1: Basic Event Information

To start a new event simply click the new event icon on the events page. The first step is to collect basic information. Input Descriptions: Event Name This is the name you want to give the event. Event …

Step 2: Creating ticket levels

Once you have filled out basic event information, you can start creating ticket levels. Ticket levels allow you to have multiple ticket types for a single event. For example: you can create a VIP ticket level for VIP …

Step 3 Design and Preview

There are four main ways to publish your tickets so people can start buying them: Splash Page The splash page is a page hosted by Sparxo. You can add elements to the page to customize it Facebook Publishing …

Connect Sparxo to Your Facebook Pages

Before you can sell tickets directly from your Facebook page, you need to connect Sparxo with your Facebook pages. Click Facebook App from the left navigation bar. The first time access this, you will be asked to connect Sparxo to your Facebook. …

Change Default Language

You can easily change the default language that Sparxo is shown in. Changing the language will affect your view of Sparxo as well as what the customer sees when they are buying tickets. To change your default language: …

Configure Currency

Sparxo uses Stripe to collect money. Currently, we offer collection of payments in the following currencies: United States Dollar Canadian Dollar British Pounds Australian Dollar Euro If you wish to collect money in another currency, contact us: https://www.sparxo.com/contact/ To …

Connecting to Stripe

Before you can begin selling tickets, you must connect Sparxo to a payment processor. Sparxo uses Stripe because of its security, convenience to our customers and seamless integration. To create a Stripe account you will need to gather …